Friday, July 17, 2009


I went on "Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan's" website to "receive" my prophecy. This man is on so-called Christian television and promotes himself as a prophet. Of course, he teaches that you have to "sow a seed" in order for the prophecy to work which is the clear evidence that this man is a charlatan. He has written a book, and get's titled "The Business of Getting Rich...12 secrets to unveiling the spiritual side of wealth in you" Interestingly enough, his wife just so happens to be a "prophetess." Joel Osteen is pastor of Lakewood Church so a u t o m a t i c a l l y his wife becomes "co-pastor." It works the same in real life as well....if you become president of a company, your wife becomes co-president....if you become a doctor, your wife becomes a co-doctor...and if you become a prophet, your wife becomes a prophetess. Even your children become prophets as well and I would imagine so do your pets.

I will report back when I receive my prophecy from "Master Prophet Jordan." I wait with bated breath!

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