Sunday, May 3, 2009

Healing Place Church sells out

I had to write about the most blatant apostasy that has been recently demonstrated. Joel Osteen hosted a "Night of Hope" on the 25th of April. The title was, to say the least, misleading. Pastor Dino Rizzo from Healing Place Church here in Baton Rouge was apparently invited by the Osteen's to attend the "event". Instead of refusing to participate in the marketing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he excitedly posted on his blog how thrilled he was to be there. I opened the Scriptures and searched for Biblical precedent for charging people to hear the Gospel but could find no example by the prophets or the apostles for the practice.

How could anyone who is a true Christian charge admission to hear the Word of God? How could anyone who is a true Christian support, promote and participate in such a travesty? Motivational speakers charge for the hearing of their message and the participants gladly pony up in the hope of getting a boost to their self image or their career goals. So it can be concluded, Scripturally speaking, that Joel Osteen does not preach the Gospel (at least not the Biblical message of sin, righteousness and judgment to come along with the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ) and he is nothing more than a motivational speaker. My concern with all of this is that he is leading people to believe HIS message as truth. It does make you feel good and if anyone is truly saved it will not be because of his preaching but in spite of it.

Pastor Dino Rizzo has facilitated in the promotion of this false teacher and has done so in a way that is nearly idolatrous. Joel Osteen is a man...a sinner like me in need of a Savior. To see him as some sort of giant of the faith knowing full well that he does not preach the truth of God's Word is idolatry. Pastor Dino either knowingly promotes a false teacher or is deceived by the post-modern belief system authored by the father of lies. I know this sounds harsh but Christians cannot stand by and say nothing as the Gospel is hijacked and distorted by people who call themselves Christians but do not know the Gospel. When muslim extremists do things in the name of their god that kill innocent people we are shocked that those in that belief system who want us to believe that islam is a religion of peace do not speak out against these actions. As a Christian, I refuse to stand by and say nothing as those who claim to be Christians do things that bring reproach to my God and my faith.

Pastor Dino Rizzo twittered most of his activities to all the HPC followers as he toured New York City. Interestingly enough, with all the opportunities to preach the true Gospel to the lost of New York City he never once mentioned that he took seriously the Great Commission and opened his mouth for the sake of the souls of that city. It seems that the only "proper" time to preach the Gospel is in a stadium where you can charge money or in the pulpit. What a shame it is that Christ died for the sins of the world and we won't tell anyone how they can have their sins washed away because we don't want to offend anyone. Let's concern ourselves with the opinions of men instead of God.

What about all the poor who could not afford the ticket price to come and hear the so-called "message of hope"? Are their souls not important? Did Christ not die for them or was it only for those who could afford the charge? If I am wrong about this please tell me. I want to know and if so I will repent.

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